We're all navigating the shifts of this new world and the new moon in Virgo, that peaks Saturday August 27th is bringing energies of reflection with it. Which also feels timely as we’re in the shadow period of the next Mercury Retrograde, which begins on September 9th.
Through my dreams, Spirit has clearly shared that this next lunar phase is about reflecting on what is foundational to us. Exploring our collective foundations as well as personal ones.
What content (social, tv, advertising, conversations, experiences, etc) are we consuming that shape and re-shape our foundations and how we view the world? Because how we view and perceive the world is how we continue to create it in every moment of our lives.
There have been some strong mirror energy showing up in dreams that is inviting us to explore how our inner world is shaping and reflected back to us by our outer world and experiences. Do you like what you see and experience or are there areas that you would like to be different?
Another strong energy that was present is “dismantling energy”. So exploring what is requiring re-shaping, dismantling, re-doing and then rebuilding.
Here is the dream and moon mantra you can use to support you during this lunar cycle:
“I easily shift into new ways of being and moving through this world that create deeper harmony, peace, and joy within me and in the world around me.”
How to use this mantra:
• Write the mantra somewhere you’ll see it daily.
• Focus on this mantra before bed and if you can do it will bathing in the moons energy that’s even better!
• Work with it for the entire lunar cycle (or until you feel complete with it).
• You can set reminders throughout your day to connect in with your mantra.
• TRUST that you’re receiving the integrations and downloads that are flowing at this time.
If you’d like to go deeper and do some journalling, here are some journal prompts to guide you:
• How am I moving through my life? Does it feel aligned?
• What aspect of my life is seeking or craving more balance?
• What is calling to be shed/released in my life?
• What do I want to embody more of? Or step into more fully?
I hope you find this mantra helpful for you as you navigate the new cosmic energies!
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