Sagittarius New Moon & Dream Mantra - November 2022


“I tune into and embody my Higher Self. Who I truly am is graciously received by others.”


How to use this mantra:

• Write the mantra somewhere you’ll see it daily.

• Focus on this mantra before bed and if you can do it will bathing in the moons energy that’s even better!

• Work with it for the entire lunar cycle (or until you feel complete with it).

• You can set reminders throughout your day to connect in with your mantra.

• TRUST that you’re receiving the integrations and downloads that are flowing at this time.


Some reflective questions to support and guide you:

• Is there a part of me that is ready to be explored?

• What wisdom is my inner child wanting to share with me right now?

• Do I feel like my truth is not seen by others? If not, how can I share the truth of who I am more genuinely? 

• Are there aspects of myself that feel a bit outgrown (beliefs, habits, how you relate to yourself/others, programming, expectations, etc)?

• Are there parts of me that are being called to deeper embodiment (what aspects of myself are calling to be brought into the light more fully)?

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Do you want to UNLOCK the meanings and messages hidden in your dreams? 

Tune into the vibration, frequency and energy of your dreams to discover what your Soul is whispering to you through your dreams each night.


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