As with every new lunar cycle we enter into, I share what messages Spirit wants to share for this time and what cosmic energies will be great for us to work with.
The Libra new moon peaks on Sunday September 25th (depending on where on the planet you are) and the energies can usually be felt a few days before and after.
Felt called to share this message and mantra via video so please click below to watch!
Libra New Moon & Dream Mantra:
“As I step into a new way of being, I easily release old habits and beliefs that no longer serve me.”
How to use this mantra:
• Write the mantra somewhere you’ll see it daily.
• Focus on this mantra before bed and if you can do it will bathing in the moons energy that’s even better!
• Work with it for the entire lunar cycle (or until you feel complete with it).
• You can set reminders throughout your day to connect in with your mantra.
• TRUST that you’re receiving the integrations and downloads that are flowing at this time.
Here are some reflective questions to support you as well:
• Where am I operating unconsciously out of habit? Do these habits serve me in a positive way or do they need to be replaced by healthier and more supportive habits?
• What have I outgrown and therefore, what within me is calling for more space to grow? How do I give myself the space to grow?
• You can even reflect on these things and how you see the collective. So what patterns/ways of being are not working? And it’s not about knowing the answer for the collective but maybe it’s just about visioning what you would like to see instead and just hold onto that vision.
I hope you find this valuable for navigating the upcoming energies this new moon brings.