Dream & Moon Mantra For The New Moon In Aries

Happy New Moon in Aries!

Depending on where on the globe you are, it takes place on March 31 or April 1st.

As with all new moons, I like to go into the Dream World and ask Spirit what messages they'd like to share with you so you more consciously tune into the energies that are most prominent during the entire lunar cycle.

The energies in the and messages of the dreams I received were centered around "healthy" destruction, chaos (with the purpose of realignment) and letting go of old stories that no longer serve you.

This is the first new moon of the new astrological year and can be a powerful one for setting the stage moving forward.

The dream energies were big and unavoidable. Meaning, this is the time to really reflect on the following:

  • What is being called within myself or my life to be destroyed? Think of healthy destruction, phoenix rising burning and rising from the ashes - FINALLY allowing something to end.
  • How can you be amidst chaos and trust that everything is not falling apart but in fact falling together?
  • What is fiercely being called to let go?

The dream and moon mantra to help you with these reflections and energetic integrations for this lunar cycle is:

“I gracefully let go of what no longer serves me and actively step into deeper healing.”

How to use this mantra:

  • Write the mantra somewhere you’ll see it daily.
  • Place this mantra under your pillow each night.
  • Focus on this mantra before bed and if you can do it will bathing in the moons energy that’s even better!
  • Work with it for the entire lunar cycle (or until you feel complete with it).
  • You can set reminders throughout your day to connect in with your mantra.
  • TRUST that you’re receiving the integrations and downloads that are flowing at this time.

I hope you find this mantra helpful over this next lunar cycle and supportive in the year ahead.



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